Predictive Scoring & Prioritization

A better way to prioritize data:
Predictive Lead Scoring

Targeting thousands of companies that might resemble your ideal market may seem like a good place to start, but collecting that data is difficult, inefficient and expensive. That’s where we come in.


Market Intelligence, a Harte Hanks Company leads the way by helping clients predict the likelihood and timing of their prospects’ vendor installations, technology usage, and purchasing plans.

We offer predictive scoring for nearly 40 types of technology, including likelihood to purchase technology for:

  • hardware
  • software
  • networking
  • telecommunications
  • storage
  • security
  • virtualization
  • IT outsourcing
  • mobile messaging security
  • smartphones
  • digital signage display
  • data loss prevention
  • platform-as-a-service

The Benefits of Predictive Scoring:

  • Improve marketing program response rates
  • Base sales channel and territory alignment on market segmentation analytics
  • Identify prospects who are likely to have complementary technologies installed
  • Target competitive installations for specific campaign messages
  • Add detailed technology profiles and new contacts to customer/prospect files

Our Predictive Scoring Products:


Know where specific types of technologies are installed. By knowing what solutions a company has in place, you can target more effectively and recommend complementary products and services.


Prioritize those that are ready to buy. Discovering that a prospect has intent to purchase – and knowing the timeframe of that purchase – can mean the difference between canvassing hundreds of prospects or focusing in on only those most likely to convert.


Identify prospects with specific software vendors installed. Our big data modeling approach detects the likelihood of a vendor presence, meaning you can more accurately target complementary, partner, or competitive user bases with highly-focused messaging.


Focus on your most likely customers. With so much sales and marketing data available, making decisions on what slice of data should inform your outreach efforts can be paralyzing. Lead scoring is a good start, but will only get you so far.

Prospect Score helps you make sense of your marketing data.

Our turn-key analytics service incorporates more than 500 tracked categories in the Ci Technology Database. By understanding the types of data elements that should be captured, scored and weighted more favorably, Prospect Score will help you:

  • Spend time with higher-value, higher-propensity-to-buy contacts
  • Increase efficiency by focusing on contacts more likely to take the first step
  • Reduce time spent chasing dead-end leads
  • And ultimately, see a significantly reduced cost-per-lead

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